SEND and Inclusion
Supporting Children with Social Communication Needs
The Bolton Multiagency Autism Pathway is a partnership working between Bolton’s Clinical Commissioning Group, Ladywood Outreach Service and Bolton Parent Carers.
A large number of professionals in different agencies work with children who have been identified with autism, which may involve specialist intervention.
The Autism Pathway is designed so families and professionals know where to go for additional help for their child. It makes the process as clear and timely as possible, ensuring that the child and their family receive the appropriate input at the right time.
Most importantly, the Pathway should help children, young people and their parents/carers to understand how the various services will work together, with the aim of obtaining the best outcome as quickly as possible.
When supporting children with social communication needs or autism in the classroom/setting, it is important to consider all aspects of the environment and how we interact with children. The resource at the bottom of this page may give you ideas on how to support the needs of children with social communication difficulties or autism.