
Information about our Early Years Foundation Stage offer for the early years and childcare sector and our Start Well services for families.


Details regarding a range of funding streams from the Department for Education to enable children to access high quality childcare provisions.


Resources to support the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage for the early years and childcare sector.

Latest news

Bolton Start Well | Early Years Update

26 Jul 2024

This early years update is distributed by email on Fridays, currently biweekly.

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Protecting Children and Families from Domestic Abuse During the Summer Holidays

25 Jul 2024

Domestic abuse doesn't take a break in summer. In fact, incidences can rise during the holidays. What affect might this have on the family network and how can you help yourself, others and children?

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Start Well Course Overview 2024/25

23 May 2024

Key training dates for Bolton Early Years Providers in Schools, Daycare, Out of Schools Clubs and Childminders.

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