Early Years Providers Business Planning and Support

Advice and Support

Business BoltonAdvice and Support pages

For information or for general advice, go to: www.businessbolton.org

You can also look out for announcements from Business Bolton by following them on Facebook or @businessbolton on Twitter.

For specific enquiries relating to business support, Business Bolton can be contacted via email at: businessbolton@bolton.gov.uk.


Business Bolton Newsletter – Are you signed up? 

This newsletter aims to provide an update for businesses on the latest support available to them and how it can be accessed. The content has been put together with partners and other council services to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the guidance available. 
If you would like to subscribe for future newsletters to gain information on the latest financial support and COVID-19 guidance, you can sign up here Business Bolton newsletter.


EnterprisingYouFree Business Planning Tools - Other

EnterprisingYou is tailored to help those with a budding business idea or established self-employed individuals, freelancers, and gig economy workers in Greater Manchester.

Learn ways to kickstart or improve your business and reach your goals quicker and more efficiently. With workshops and free advice on a variety of topics, from personal skills, to marketing and business/personal finance.

To self-refer, call, email, or visit the website using the details below: 
0161 359 3050


The Business Growth HubAdvice and support page

The Business Growth Hub supports businesses across Greater Manchester that have the potential, ambition and commitment to grow, from established and large organisations to small and medium size enterprises.  

They have put together a package of support responding to the Covid-19 outbreak, including a series of free downloadable webinars.  

To get further information on business support, including access to one of their business advisors and free newsletter, please visit: https://www.businessgrowthhub.com/coronavirus  

Business Growth Hub, a business support agency for Greater Manchester, works closely with Business Bolton (Bolton Council), and they offer:

  • Fully funded Business Support. 
  • One to one or group support available for many areas including digital, mentoring, advice, skills and training.  
  • Work is underway to scope the potential of a specialist support programme for childcare providers.

Contact: Jonathan Crabtree, Bolton Account Manager
Telephone: 07525 603484
Email: Jonathan.Crabtree@growthco.uk


HMRC Employer BulletinAdvice and Support page

Are you signed up to recieve the HMRC Employer Bulletin?

This is a bimonthly magazine for employers and agents that gives up-to-date information on payroll topics.  The update includes lots of information, such as:

  • Support available for employees if you're unable to bring them back to work;
  • Support available to help your business grow.

The bulletin is only available online. You can register for HMRC’s employer email alert service to receive emails from HMRC which tell you when the latest issue is available.  Access the latest bulletin here.


Gov.ukAdvice and support page

Get help and support for your business, visit: Get help and support for your business - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

In England you can contact the government’s Business Support Helpline for free advice.

You can also find free support, advice and sources of finance through your local ‘growth hub’.

Business Support Helpline (England)
Telephone: 0800 998 1098
Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm (except bank holidays)
Find out about call charges

Speak to an adviser on webchat about support for your business.

The Business Support Helpline for England is also on:


The Early Years Business PlaybookAdvice and Support - Business Support Pages

Find lots of free guides, tips and software tools to help you make better business decisions: Famly I The EY Business Playbook


Employing an early years apprentice in your settingEarly years alliance logo small

The Early Years Alliance offer advice and practical support for those employing apprentices.  
Employing an early years apprentice for your setting | early years alliance (eyalliance.org.uk)


Recruitment and retention

Webpages for the early years workforce: recruitment, retention, and business planning.


Other useful links

To find out more about the latest grants, and businesses that are eligible. Including;

Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) announced on 21st December and COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)

See link below.