Bolton Early Years Integrated Communication and Language Pathway

Getting Help

C&L Pathway


This support is in addition to the 'Every Child' and 'Getting Advice' offer. Help is offered to children where there is a concern around their communication and language development and/or the language environment at home.


Criteria for accessing help:

  • Children score ‘grey or black’ using the ASQ-3 screening toolPathway Getting Help
  • Children score ‘white’ but there is a concern around the home learning environment
  • Child below age-related expectation in communication and language
  • Parental or professional concern


Next stepsWellComm toolkit image

Screen the child's communication skills using the WellComm Toolkit. Start the screen at the section for the child's chronological age and work backwards, stopping the screen when they score green.

The WellComm Toolkit should be used by a trained pracitioner. To access WellComm Toolkit training, please visit our course pages. Face to face training is currently available every other month. 

If the child is not scoring green at chronological age:

  • Carry out appropriate activities from the Big Book of Ideas (from the WellComm Toolkit)
  • Share activities from the Big Book of Ideas with the family and reassess after 3 months
  • Consider a parent child interaction group - Let's Get Talking
  • Consider using other language interventions - Nursery Narrative, Language Through Listening, EYBIC etc.

At any point during this process, please contact the Early Years Communication and Language Development Service (EYCLDS) for advice and guidance on 01204 338349 or email: 




Training and development courses

  • Communication and Language Development Courses
  • Assessment (WellComm & ASQ) Courses


Using the WellComm Toolkit in an early years setting 

An early years practitioner in Bolton, discusses using the WellComm Toolkit with children in early years. She talks about the importance of involving parents and carers within the assessment, as well as keeping Public Health Nurses informed.