Measles: GM NHS Information for health professionals


Information for health professionals.

Please refer to the full PDF leaflet: Measles: GM NHS Information for Health Professionals, it contains typical symptoms, information about preventing transmission and what to do if you suspect case(s).

Points to note/FYI:

  • Measles is spread through coughing and sneezing, close personal contact or direct contact with infected secretions.
  • Measles is infectious from 4 days before rash onset until 4 full days after the rash appears.
  • Suspected cases should be excluded from nursery, school, or work for 4 days after the onset of a rash.
  • Suspected cases should avoid contact with unvaccinated young children, susceptible pregnant woman and immunocompromised persons during the infectious period.
  • Measles is a notifiable disease (clinicians to notify local UKHSA Health Protection Team as per protocol)
  • Measles is vaccine preventable. Children receive two doses of the MMR vaccine as part of routine childhood immunisation programme.
  • Continue to identify children and adults who are not fully immunised and advise them to contact their GP to arrange vaccination.

For more information, see the National Measles Guidelines April 2024

Published: 20th May 2024