Transition for children with SEND

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Information about transition to school during 2022

This is the time of year when we contact you to offer support with transition planning for your children with SEND. As usual, we will be working with Ladywood Outreach to offer this support. As some children have had limited time in nursery this year, it is even more important than ever that we prepare children for the transition to school.
The following actions are things that nursery settings can be doing now that will help to ensure that the school has the information needed to meet the child’s needs:

  • Contact parents to find out which school the child has been allocated (parents will be informed of this on 19th April).
  • Parents will be informed about Special School places a little later.
  • Consider the Early Years Transition Timeline. This will give you a guide to the things that need to be covered in the coming weeks and months.
  • Ask the parents’ permission to contact the school and describe how you will work together with the school and the parent to develop a transition plan for the child.
  • Contact the school and let them know that you have the parents permission to begin transition planning, and make arrangements to do this together.
  • Look on the Start Well website for Transition documents to support you, including All About Me booklet and One Page Profiles.
  • Complete the Transition Information Form and send it to the school by 20th May. This has been designed with schools and ensures that they have the basic information needed to begin to support the child.
  • Work with parents, partners and the child’s new school to review the child’s Early Help Assessment and Action Plan and discuss with the school who will become the new Lead Professional. This may have to be done via Skype or Zoom.
  • Consider the suggested actions in the transition plan and think about which will best support the child, parents and school.

If a child in your setting is receiving Inclusion Funding or is on the caseload for Ladywood Outreach Service then someone from either Start Well or Ladywood Outreach will contact you shortly to offer support with this process. It would be really helpful if you could let us know which school the child is transitioning to so that we can continue to offer support if needed.  This can be emailed securely to

In the meantime, if you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to give us a call or send an email.

Contact us

Start Well Service 

Tel: 01204 338149

Published: 1st April 2022